Introducing the...
2-Week Mental Game Bootcamp
Take your mental game to the next level with a 14-day challenge hosted by Coach Damon. Gain confidence, play better, and feel mentally stronger!
Next Bootcamp Starts April 12th
The Mental Game Bootcamp is currently closed.
To get alerted when it reopens, be sure you're on my email list.
Starts March 22th!
Who is ready to train the mental game?
Hey what’s up goalies, coaches, parents, it’s Coach Damon here and I gotta question for you.
What is your biggest challenge as a lacrosse goalie?
That is the question I posed to hundreds of lacrosse goalies who came thru and joined me in the Lacrosse Goalie Summit 3, a virtual training event for lacrosse goalies, parents, and coaches.
Guess what the #1 answer was.
Seriously, I saw this answer over and over.
The mental game.
And I get it. The mental game is sooo hard.
That’s why it’s called mental toughness, not mental cruise-along in life with no issues.
So all goalies struggle with the mental game. I know I sure did.
I've spoken with top level D1 goalies and pros that struggle with the mental game.
My junior year of college I won the starting goalie job but throughout the season I would get overwhelmed with these thoughts like:
- I’m really letting down my teammates by letting in these goals
- I lost that game for our team
- If I don’t play good, we’re not going to win
- I can’t believe I just let in that last shot, it was so soft - then they score on me again
- I’m not a good goalie
- Not being able to reset after giving up goals
- Intense pre-game jitters that impacted my performance
Those are very tough feelings to deal with.
But the bottom line is goalies who cannot master the mental game will not have success. Period.
The reason the pros are the pros is not because they don’t feel those thoughts above.
It’s because they’re mentally tough to work through it and get back into the flow.
Now "mental game" means different things to different goalies - but one thing we can all agree on …
The Mental Game is important!
I was watching Justin Goldman’s (@thegoalieguild) presentation at the Virtual Lacrosse Goalie Summit 3 and he said this -
When I heard that I nearly jumped out of my chair. That’s so true!!
When lacrosse goalies tell me they want to improve their mental game, sometimes I ask what have you tried so far?
Most the times, guess what the answer is -
Well here's the simple truth -
If we want to improve our mental game, we need to train the mental game!
So I’m super pumped to announce a new training program I’ve put together called the 2-week Mental Game Bootcamp.
Who is ready to train the Mental Game?
Here’s how the bootcamp works -
Each day (for 2 weeks) you’ll get a video from Coach Damon. In that video, will be the day’s Mental Game lesson plus a challenge.
Training the mental game means putting things into action so each day your job is to -
- watch the video
- take notes
- then execute the challenge.
15 minutes a day and I guarantee your mental toughness will improve.
Then we’ll do a weekly coaching call with Coach Damon where we all get together and answer questions, share tips, and check in on your progress.
Are you going to be a Mental Game pro after two weeks? No, you’re not.
Listen, you don’t became a great shot saver after 2 weeks of practice.
You’re not in expert in Calculus after 2 weeks of classes.
You’re not a bodybuilder after 2 weeks in the gym.
So spoiler alert - you are not going to be a new person in 2 weeks.
You can certainly be closer than you are right now!
You can certainly feel good about yourself
You can definitely put some kick-ass habits in place!
That's why we need to start with where we are right now.
If you don’t train the Mental Game - you’ll never get better!
In fact, I’ll definitely guarantee that. If after the 2 weeks (you did exercises) and don’t feel stronger mentally, then email Coach Damon and we’ll get you taken care of. If I can’t help, full refund.
Program Starts Wednesday, March 17
$197 to join and there's payments plans available.
Click here to join the bootcamp! $197
Once again the program starts Wednesday March 17. And once we start that’s it for sales, I’ll be shutting it down so that I can focus on working with that group of young goalies to get mentally stronger!
Remember what Justin Goldman said: goaltending is 90% mental and yet we only spend 10% of our time working it.
So if you struggle with -
- confidence issues
- poor performance
- negative self-talk on the field.
You’ve got to train the mental game.
It’s up to you.
If you want more out of yourself as a goalie...
If you want to enjoy this beautiful sport of lacrosse even more...
If you want to feel confident in the crease...
Join me and other goalies from around the world in this 2 week mental game bootcamp.
I hope to see all you goalies there!
Coach Damon
At end of this 2 week bootcamp...

You’ll develop a bulletproof mindfulness routine and tap into quieting the mind.

You'll set and have a clear direction to reach your own goals.
You'll challenge yourself to accomplish simple, but not easy, daily tasks.
You'll experience how shifting your focus will completely enhance your life.
Who is this for?
This program is for lacrosse goalies ready to train the mental game.
Sex: Male goalies and female goalies.
Age: Youth goalies to college age goalies.
Also if you're a coach or parent who wants to teach this to your youth goalie, it's a perfect fit.
Bottom line is - if you're a goalie who is interested in becoming mentally stronger this 2-week bootcamp is for you.
Meet the Host
The 2-Week Mental Game Bootcamp is hosted by Coach Damon Wilson, founder of and the host of the Lax Goalie Rat podcast and the Virtual Lacrosse Goalie Summit.
In 1999 I set out to learn the position of lacrosse goalie from scratch. While I made all the rookie goalie mistakes, I fell in love with the sport and this position. I've been coaching lacrosse and specifically goalies ever since.
My mission with Lax Goalie Rat and this Lacrosse Goalie Summit is to get you that top goalie coaching and education that was sorely lacking back I when strapped on my original Cascade helmet and STX Goalmaster and jumped into the crease.
One thing you should know about me, when I set out to learn something I go all in. So in trying to help out youth goalies with mental toughness, I studied every book, course, YouTube video, and podcast I could get my hands on.
All of that learning is what I've put into the 2-week Mental Game Bootcamp for lacrosse goalies.
I hope you can join me and the goalies from around the world in this amazing 14 day bootcamp.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions I missed? Shoot me an email -
What age group is this for?
Youth to college age goalies will benefit from this bootcamp.
How much time do I need to invest per day?
Each video runs from 5-10 minutes. Then you'll need to execute the day's challenge which can take anywhere from 30 seconds to another 10 minutes depending on the day. 15 minutes a day is a good average.
Is there a refund policy?
Yes. After the bootcamp if you don't feel like you're mentally stronger (and you did all the exercises) email Coach Damon and we'll help you out. If we can't resolve your problem, full refund.
I'm a coach interested in teaching my youth goalies mental game, should I join?
Yes. You can learn the lessons and challenges and run them with your youth goalies.
Is this for female goalies too?
Yes! Male and female goalies.
What happens if I miss a video and get behind?
Get caught up. You can tackle multiple lessons and challenges in a day and get back on track.
Are there videos/lessons on the weekends too?
Yes. Every day for 14 days.
No Risk Guarantee!
I've worked my tail off to create what I think is amazing program that will help improve goalies mental game. But if you don't get anything out of this, I don't want your money. So you can essentially take the entire program risk-free. If at the end of the bootcamp (you've done all the lessons!) and you feel like you have NOT grown stronger mentally, then email me. If I can't help you out, I'll give you a full refund.